That there is a love affair between a writer and their task since eons, is something we all unanimously agree upon. As writers, we start writing with a lot of energy and passion. But the process gets tedious in some time, and we get tired. When considering this fact, even psychologists would be perplexed about how our ‘poised minds’ shift gears- from the passion of writing to the dull sleeping mode. Somewhere we’re diverted from our goals. As a result, we become ‘half-writers’.

And by this, I’m talking only about those who are really struggling with their daily goals. Lots of studies have revealed that very few people accomplish their daily goals.

Where does the passion fade away in the small gap between morning and afternoon? Oops! That sounds more mysterious than the great mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Considering the huge size of this problem, we should call it a ‘crisis’

The crisis is severe and hits many writers all over the world. It is no joke either. It could be a matter of debate on television channels. To write badly in the first half of the day is to ruin the rest of your day completely.

So here I want to share something that worked out for me as a solution to this. The strategy that gave me something that kept the passion for writing at the same level throughout the day. With this, I could write consistently for many hours. It was something that gave me the perfect adrenaline rush to keep the boredom at bay.

This article is about an interesting idea that can make writers become better- providing a strategy that can glue writers to their self-discipline towards their goals. And yes! This idea would fetch a guaranteed five millimeter smile on your countenance.

The main idea is to reward yourself for every short-term goal you achieve in writing. The reward will provide the zeal you need to fight the demotivation which hits you somewhere during the day. You become more focused on your goals because rewarding yourself triggers dopamine in your brain. Using the science of this pleasure chemical could be one of your brainiest step to push your writing profession to the next level- which is called as ‘an admirable dedication to one’s craft’.

A latest laptop with the mesmerizing ticking sound from the keyboard, a set of enviable fountain pens, desk lamps, a comfortable table-chair set-up, a daily planner, or even (renting) a new, disturbance free place for efficient writing…

Don’t these things sound interesting? What could be better than the feeling of the ink of your favorite new pen flowing casually over the paper you’re writing on? It’s like a fresh drop of dew touching a leaf…

No Prime Minister or President would reward you for the writing goals you have accomplished. Nor will any judge justify the short-term achievements of yours. No police could free you from the jail of the boring style of your writing between obsolete, archaic instruments and tools. It’s only you who can award, reward, justify or free yourself with an idea of working with your favorite and hassle-free tools.

While it is important to check that what we spend isn’t too lavish, it’s also important that we shouldn’t accept mediocrity when it is something about writing.

Anyway, this topic has made me crave for an elegant set of black fountain pens with ink darker than coal.

If this isn’t working, then what is?

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